The majority of us care about all lives. We believe that black, white, non-white, blue, and fetal lives all matter. With the current movement of the black lives matter organization, some points needed to be made.
1. When one group believes that their lives are more important than others, this is divisive. This divisiveness is against unity and becomes a counterproductive manifestation. Also, this divisiveness results in extreme divisions between the groups and creates conflict, violence and even death. If a group feels victimized, they should address the issue that caused the victimization honestly and openly without threats of violence or intimidation. Martin Luther King Jr. was motivated by love and unity and did not want divisiveness and he achieved equal rights with this peaceful non-confrontational strategy for blacks.
2. If the black lives matter movement wished to decrease the number of deaths in the black community, they need to stop blaming others for their own actions. Not only are they not taking responsibility for their actions, they are rejecting God, for God wants all of us to admit our wrongdoings and not to blame others. When we deceive ourselves, we are helping the devil do his work and we will never truly love God and others in the best way.
3. Homicides in the black community are caused by black on black crimes around 93% of the time. It is obvious, that if we want to address the issue of homicides in the black community, that first we need to address the most likely cause. When there is a problem, one must always address the most likely cause if one wants to get the most beneficial solution. When there is a need to emphasize less likely causes such as police homicides,that account for much less than 1% of the problem, then that is just another example of blaming others and diverting attention from things they are responsible for themselves.
4. There are solutions that will greatly improve the situation in the black community regarding black lives. Community leaders in the black communities must acknowledge that the blame is mostly within the community themselves. They need to stop blaming others for their own actions. According to previous studies, over 90% of blacks will be out of poverty if they do the following four things, First, they must get a high school education. Second, they need to get a job before they get married. Third, they need to not have children until they are married and have a job. Fourth,they need to stay out of jail. If they do these four things which require personal responsibility,leadership and guidance, they have over a 90% chance of being in the middle class and out of poverty. This then gives them the opportunity to achieve whatever dreams they may have. Leaders of the community should work in an effort to achieve these goals in order to give the black community more opportunity and therefore more liberty and freedom to achieve the American dream.
5. When addressing the problems in the black community, the leaders should always choose to live above your circumstances and not under them. This will lead to blaming others less and taking more personal responsibility and ultimately solving many of the current problems regarding increase homicides in the black community.
In my opinion, when talking about which lives matter, the biggest group that have been victimized are the babies or newborns to be. If there is respect for life, more than 10 million black lives would not have been killed before these babies had a chance of any life and opportunity. It is my hope that people can see that one doesn't address or solve the problem of homicides in the black community by blaming others or only dealing with minor causes of the problem. Only by dealing with the real root causes and statistically significant causes of the problem and by acknowledging one's responsibility in being part of the problem can improvements and solutions be found.
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