Monday, May 18, 2015


When asked "What's the best drug in the world?" you must first understand: what is a drug and what makes a very bad drug. 

First of all, a drug is a substance that is meant to help people with certain health problems. The key word in this definition is "meant". Drugs are intended to help people and that is what they are meant to do (i.e. their intention). However, like everything in life, there are risks and there are benefits. Whenever you introduce a new substance into your body, there is potential for harm. Big pharmaceutical companies will detail all the risks so that a consumer and prescriber are informed. At times, the pharmaceutical companies may not know all the potential risks and therefore the list can be incomplete. This incomplete list can be due to unknowing ignorance, incompetence, or may be a deliberate action so that more sales and profit can be made.

So it makes sense that the worst drugs are those that are delivered to the public with the intent to deliberately deceive the public. These type of drugs can cause a lot of harm before their negative effects are fully discovered.

Not only are Big pharmaceuticals guilty of this public deception, but many politicians practice the same strategy. Politicians constantly sell you on ideals or drugs that they say will benefit or help you. An example of this is the drug called Obamacare.

Obamacare was "meant" to help Americans by lowering health care costs, maintaining excellent quality of healthcare, and insuring more Americans..... or so the politicians said. But in reality, this drug was simply one that was delivered to the public by deception and done deliberately for ideological reasons. Obamacare does not help the health of this nation's citizens.

Unfortunately, too many Americans are easily deceived by this type of false advertising. The reason they are so easily deceived is that they actually believe that if given something for nothing, it will somehow be beneficial to everyone. One can only believe this by having been successfully brainwashed. Politicians,who give you the drug Obamacare  also try to sell you the drug "Big Government". They say "Big Government" will be more beneficial for the poor and the middle class. In the long run, "Big Government" is the worst drug that could exist in humanity.

Those that believe that the drug "Big Government" is beneficial are unaware that the risks far outweigh the benefits. Big government is the first sign that people have too much abundance and become too complacent. This leads to more apathy and more control over its citizens by the drug Big Government. The next step is socialism or even anarchy leading to loss of liberties and then financial ruin. This can destroy our great nation and its citizens. Big Government believers have a harmful and disruptive drug addiction caused by either brainwashing, ignorance or both. 

Only the best drug can combat this type of addiction. The best drug that a person can use correctly is the substance that is called your brain or mind. Do not allow your mind to be manipulated or brainwashed by those that have their own special interests as the main intention. When utilized properly, your mind is the best drug and is the greatest antidote against those that want to harm you through deception and manipulation. The mind can understand the benefits of a free market/small government system where the consumer drives the industry and nation and not the government or politicians. Also, when the mind is used at its best, love of God, family and country is understood and followed.

Therefore, let us utilize the best drug God gave us naturally, that is our mind and our free will.

Do not let our minds be altered by deception and false promises. We can cure our woes. God gave us the tools to do so and gave us the "Best Drug" ever.

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