Sunday, May 12, 2013

Is Gov. Huckabee wrong about Pres. Obama resigning over the Benghazi hearings?

In the first week of May 2013, Gov. Huckabee felt that because of the administration's reaction to the Benghazi attack on our consulate in Libya, President Obama will have to resign before his second term expires. Let's review some of the facts that are known about the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012.

First, for many months preceding the September 11,2012 attack, it is known that there were several attacks on both the British on June 11,2012 and the International Red Cross on May 22,2012 in Benghazi that were initiated by Islamic extremists and those who claim to be part of Al Qaeda. Therefore, Benghazi, Libya was not a safe place for foreigners.

Second, it is also known that for many months preceding the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attack,  there were multiple requests for added security; in terms of the number of the American security forces protecting the government officials in both Benghazi and Tripoli,Libya.

Third, it is also now known that on the night of the attack when Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans were killed, a high-ranking official either in the administration or military made a decision not to send any military personnel to help quell the assault on Americans in Benghazi by Islamic extremists with Al Qaeda.

Fourth, it is also now known that the administration and members of the State Department made at least 11 revisions of the CIA talking points regarding the assault on Benghazi by Islamic terrorists. This resulted in UN Amb. Susan Rice going on five TV shows on the Sunday following the attacks and claiming that these attacks were caused by an anti-Muslim video. We now know that this is completely false and were fabricated by the administration in an attempt to show that the Obama administration was successful in getting rid of the threat of Al Qaeda in the world. This was obviously done in order to portray Pres. Obama as strong on foreign affairs and therefore make it more likely for him to be reelected.

Fifth, it is now known that the Obama administration and the State Department under Sec. Hillary Clinton were involved in covering up this deception claiming the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was caused by a video.

Lastly, it is now known that anybody who did not want to go along with this cover-up, were either instructed to be quiet, threatened with demotion and/or intimidated.

Now, note that it was just 15 years ago when President Clinton was felt innocent by the press until DNA evidence on a dress was found which proved President Clinton lied to the American people and under oath. This resulted in Pres. Clinton being impeached by the house and for political reasons was then not impeached by the Senate. Also, Pres. Nixon had to resign because of his lying to the American people about his knowledge of a burglary (Watergate) and then subsequent cover-up.

So, when a Republican president lies and covers up, he resigns. When a Democratic president lies and covers up he's able to finish his term. Therefore the standards for a Republican are obviously different than that for a Democrat.

This then leads us to the question of how the Benghazi assault will affect Pres. Obama. It is obvious to anybody with common sense and honesty that Pres. Obama and Hillary Clinton and many others in his administration have lied and engaged in a cover-up for political gain. It is sad that American lives were sacrificed for the political gain of the Obama administration and for Hillary Clinton's potential future run for presidency in 2016. But, from their perspective the ends justify any means. Also they are comforted by knowing that the press will do anything they can to help the cover-up. The press, since Pres. Obama has been in the White House, has acted as a fourth branch of government protecting this Pres. Unfortunately, the press is not protecting the interests of the American citizen but is rather protecting the interests of a political candidate and that candidate’s ideology.

In the future, there will be further evidence that Pres. Obama and Sec. Hillary Clinton lied about what happened in Benghazi and about how inadequately prepared they were for potential assaults on the anniversary of 9/11. It is apparent to me that Pres. Obama will never admit that he had any wrongdoing in the Benghazi assault and cover up and he also will not resign over this issue. It is my belief that they will not be any impeachment hearings unless other impeachable offenses occur during his administration. As we know there's now a question of who ordered the IRS to investigate tea party members and those political adversaries of the Obama administration. So there may be many more impeachable offenses arising in the near future in the Obama administration.

As far as the effect on Sec. Clinton, I still believe that there is a 50-50 chance that she will be the Democratic nominee for the presidency in 2016. In 2008, she was a favorite to win her party's nomination and was overcome by a then unknown Sen. Obama. In Hillary Clinton's mind, she does not believe she has done anything wrong and she believes she is a very honest person, which like her husband is untrue and dangerous for Americans.

Gov. Huckabee is too optimistic that the Benghazi hearings will result in Pres. Obama resigning from the presidency. However, there are positives that result from the hearings.

1. These hearings will definitely result in some of the press and some more Americans distrusting this Pres. This will result in an inability for him to push his agenda through without significant resistance. Therefore there will be less social reform and entitlements during the remainder of his presidency.

2. Hillary Clinton will also have some issues of trust and this may enable another candidate to defeat her either in the primary or general election in 2016.

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