Monday, April 15, 2013


Stating that our current president governs is risky since many believe that Obama does not govern but constantly campaigning. He is successful in campaigning because it is easier to demonize your opponent with falsehoods to win an argument than to debate honestly with actual accomplishments as a basis for your argument. President Obama put forth little effort in passing Obamacare (The Affordable Care Act) since he had a supermajority of Democrats in both the Senate and the House after his election in 2008.This Act was advertised as a piece of legislation that would lower health care costs while keeping our current level of quality care and also insuring 30 million additional Americans. If that indeed was the objective, it failed miserably.

Instead, Obamacare was a progressive maneuver to increase the size of government by controlling another 1/6 of the economy. This is the main focus and goal of the Obama Administration and influences how he governs. His administration is never concerned about unintended consequences. That is, these programs will result in costs that are astronomical and unsustainable. Quality of health care will diminish due to fewer providers, longer waits for care and massive government regulations. Also, the number of those insured will not significantly change since more Americans will be unemployed or no longer even looking for work and more employers will not cover health care for their employees. Additionally, the health care exchanges, originally meant to help the working poor obtain health care, will be postponed. Even when these exchanges are operational in several years, government involvement and control of these exchanges will result in more costly care, by restricting access to care due to fewer providers, and because of increased bureaucracy and regulations.

Let’s review the playbook of this administration’s methods of how to govern using Obamacare as the example.
·         Sell the public on a concept based on hope, but not based on any facts or history of success; therefore unrealistic expectations. All Americans hope that everyone can have affordable healthcare and that this will not adversely affect the quality of care, access to care, and not   bankrupt the country in the process. Of course those hopes only occur in a fairy tale world. The Obama administration, along with the mainstream media and many misinformed voters allow this hope to materialize into law.

·         Pass the legislation by any means possible. Obamacare was not going to be passed when Massachusetts, a liberal state, elected a republican, Scott Brown, for Senator in November 2009 mainly as a referendum against Obamacare. But when one door closed, the Democrats circumvented the process of passing legislation in Congress by using reconciliation and allowing the Senate bill from 2009 to be voted on in March 2010; even though it should have returned to the house of Representatives for changes and approval prior to a final vote (especially when the revenue for the bill is considered a “tax”).

Other examples of circumventing the legislative process is executive orders and accusing Republicans of being racists, bigots, uncaring to children and the elderly as well as homophobic. In these ways, the Obama administration can carry out their agenda to make Government as big as possible in order to reach the point of no return. This is where there are more Americans benefiting from Big Government through government employment, self-serving interests with unions, political allies and entitlement recipients than there are citizens working in the private sector. The Americans who benefit from Big Government will then vote for the Democrats who benefit their lives and the cycle of dependency becomes even worse. This is already so very apparent in Europe.

This is the model for governing for the Obama administration over the last 4 years and will continue for 4 more.  There will be more empty promises and distortions in order to pass more laws and regulations that will not help Americans improve their lives and standard of living. But rather, will increase the size of Big Government, which results in the government having control over the individual.  Remember that as the government gets BIGGER, the citizen gets SMALLER.

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