Friday, April 12, 2019


The major message that UNIFIES the Republican party for the right causes which improve all Americans lives are a strong economy and a strong military and strong moral values and the best health for the individuals in our nation.
This means we are UNITED against the LEFT, who only want to destroy this great nation by its socialistic economic policies, its weakening of our military and moral values and its attempt to control individuals’ choice in healthcare.
Therefore, I propose a platform which all candidates running in local, state and federal levels should adhere to and defend with commonsense and facts. This unity of message is important along with the ability to get out the message so that republicans/conservatives can win elections and use these policies to help keep this nation remain strong and get even stronger.

  • The 10 basic issues that all candidates should support are:

  1. Pro Smaller Government. The best government is the one that runs efficiently and who have public servants that are good stewards of the United States taxpayers money. When the government gets bigger, individuals freedom and liberties get smaller.
  2. Pro Lowering taxes. Public servants should always aim to achieve the expenses of governing in the most efficient and least costly ways.All Americans should be able to keep more of their money since they will know how best to spend it rather than the government telling them how to spend their money.
  3. Pro economic growth. All Americans benefit from a policy that decreases regulations and creates incentives to stimulate more businesses to grow and increase employment. The emphasis should be to help small businesses which are the backbone of the American economy.
  4. Pro Peace. This can only be achieved by maintaining a Strong military and by using a strong military and strong economy as a deterrence to others hoping to achieve control in destructive ways.
  5. Pro law-enforcement and first responders. Americans are safer because of the courage of our men and women in Law-enforcement and first responders, including firefighters. Americans are also safer because of the courage of our military to help defend our values and freedoms and liberties.
  6. Pro Health of our individuals in our nation. The emphasis for healthcare should be in individual choice and free market forces and transparency which allow the individual to have control over their own healthcare and to lower costs. A government safety net would be available for those that fall through the cracks, but the emphasis is that the less Government gets involved in your healthcare choices, the healthier the individuals will be in this nation.
  7. Pro education and information. The emphasis is for the education system to teach our students How to Think rather than What to Think. Only, in this way, can we develop individuals for the future who are well-informed and can continue to keep this nation strong or make this nation even stronger.
  8. Pro Constitution. Americans benefit when there is free speech and are hurt when there is intolerance of differing viewpoints. Also, our country was founded on religious freedom and our Constitution allows individuals to practice their religion without fear of persecution. We should also protect the defenseless with our Pro Life views.
  9. Pro Environment. Cleaner air and cleaner water should always be goals to allow for a safe and healthier nation. However, this does not mean that we spend money on baseless and unscientific theories that are not proven or based on one’s feelings or political ideology. True and verifiable science is always the best method for policy decisions.
  10. Pro voting rights. The policy for voting should always be one vote for every legal qualified citizen per election. Methods to decrease voter fraud and ensure fairness to the system should be the priority.

Tony Maglione

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