Friday, October 13, 2017


Just about everyone understands that mass murderers and terrorists are evil,but ignorance can lead to evil. There are many examples in history where the presence of an ignorant mass led to evil. In Germany, in the 1930's, many ignorant people allowed Hitler, through his socialist NAZI party, to amass power and exterminate over 6 million Jews. In the 20th century, the Soviet Union allowed Lenin and Stalin to develop Communism and this caused over 100 million deaths. Today, in the United States, there is a socialist progressive left agenda and movement which only through ignorance will be allowed to grow. If this indeed occurs, it will be the end of the United States as we know it. Let’s review how this can happen.

1. Our public education system over the last 50 years has been one of the main contributors to “dumbing down” our population by telling students what to think rather than teaching them how to think. Our education system went from being one of the best in the world to barely being mediocre at this time, despite spending three times more money over the last 50 years. Instead of making common sense changes to our public education system to improve it; the progressive left wants to continue the current pathway and even spend more money ensuring that future adult American citizens will be furthered “dummied down”. They accomplish this by trying to make everybody go to “free” college,learn more liberal policies and become further indoctrinated with socialist and progressive left dogma.

2.  The mainstream media is another major contributor to the ignorance in our country. Most people will accept the headlines and never really delve into the actual facts of the information from the press. This propaganda from the mainstream media has been relentless for several generations and it has caused many people to be brainwashed into accepting many false narratives. Recent examples are Black Lives Matter and Antifa. The falsehoods that are propagated by the press include cops shooting blacks disproportionately and what constitutes fascism and anti-fascism. Both groups are based on lies which, as they grow, create further division and hate within our nation and thus makes it less likely to help the very minorities they represent.

3. The left political class is another major contributor to the ignorance and “dumbing down” of our country. A big government can only exist when its people are followers and not individual thinkers. The goal of this political class is to obtain power and control and this can only be done non violently by “dumming down” the people. In this way, people exist only for the “welfare of the state” or federal government. The resultant ignorance of the people will then lead to an acceptance of a big government socialist platform where people exist for the benefit of the state, causing the United States to become another tyrannical government like many others in the past. This is a victory for the teachings of Rousseau, Hegel, Marx and Engels where people exist for the welfare of the government (“state”).

4.  Because of the propaganda press and our poor educational system and the left political class, many ignorant Americans actually believe that government should be in control of your health such as Obamacare. They believe this despite incredible evidence as to its failures,cost and lack of actually improving individuals' health.The belief that big government can solve problems and improve people’s lives is a false one and has been proven to be dangerous and deadly historically.

5. For socialism to succeed in this country, there is a need to ignore the presence of God, the validity of our Constitution and to become a less virtuous nation.Socialism inevitably leads to a loss of liberty and freedom We are a nation that is By the People and For the People and therefore we should never be subservient to government or exist for the “welfare of the state”. Only when Americans become less ignorant of these facts, can we help prevent more evil in our nation and in the world. This is why many of us that understand history and the consequences of a socialist or progressive movement will always fight to educate all Americans. This is the only way ignorance can be thwarted and the United States can once again be a free and virtuous nation under God now and forever.

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