1. Secure the borders. National security takes precedence over a party's political ambitions.
2. Secure the borders, both north and south, by using our National Guard and technology.
3. Secure the borders with a law passed by both houses of Congress. The law should be written as a yearly review by both congress and an independent(non-political group) and determination of securing the borders should be accomplished within 10 years.
4. While the process of securing the borders is taking place; Congress will pass a law that there will be a national employment verification process for anyone working in the USA. The verification process will take place over a 6 month period. The current illegal immigrants working will be classified under a worker visa program and the employer will need to fill out a form that states the person's name,address and type of work and anticipated length of time working here in the United States. The program will need to be renewed on a yearly basis. If there are workers who are not verified, there will be a fine for each worker imposed on the employer. The amount of this fine will be determined by the individual states. This is done so that if a state wishes to only fine an employer one dollar per employee per year, they can do so. Maximal fines will be $2000 a year/per employee not verified for a first time offense and increase yearly with inflation. The fines will double with each subsequent infraction. If a state does not impose a fine, the maximum fine will apply.
5. Congress will pass a law that accounts for all people who live in United States. If you are not a citizen of United States or not here legally, by either having a temporary visa or green card, you will have to fill out a form within six months time. If you fill out this form which will state your name,address and other personal data including dependents and the time you have been in the United States(proof of at least 1 year residing in the US), you will then be on a list that will enable you to have legal status and apply for a green card once the borders are determined to be secure(most likely a ten year process). The purpose for allowing legal status after the borders are secure for illegal immigrants is to encourage the illegal immigrants that are currently living in United States to want the borders secured so that they can become legal citizens in the future. Please note, that those illegals who were over the age of 18 years of age when they entered the US and then goes through this process of filling out the form and awaiting the borders to be secure, will never be able to vote in the future. They are treated just like citizens with a felony record.
6. Any non-legal status person residing in the United States who does not fill out the form within a six-month period after the law was passed, will have committed a felony and will be subject to deportation.Also, if anyone overstays their visa, without appropriate reason such as finishing school or work related project, they will have committed a felony and will be subject to deportation. Lying on the form is a felony and subject to deportation. Those illegal immigrants with a felony or a sexual predator crime will not be eligible for legal status and deported.
7.Anyone who entered this country illegally and brought underage dependents(under 18 years of age)- those dependents will have legal status once Congress passes the legal status for illegal Immigrants bill and once the borders are secure. They can then apply for citizenship and unlike their adult relatives, will be able to vote in the US. We should not punish the children for the decisions made by their parents/adult relatives. If a dependent voted illegally, they will never be allowed to vote again.
8. Each state can determine on their own, whether to allow entitlements to those with legal status-such as in-state tuition, welfare, food stamps, etc. Once the borders are determined to be secure, then all states will treat all legal residents equally with respect to entitlements and benefits.
9. 0f course, if anyone currently living in the USA illegally, wants to go back to their country of origin and apply for citizenship legally; they will be placed at the back of the list, behind previously legal immigrant applications. In this way, they can vote once they become citizens of the US.
10.Congress will also pass a law stating that English is the language of the US and that no laws from other countries will supersede our existing laws.
Comment: I believe most politicians can agree to this except for those liberals that only want to use illegals for voting purposes, to enhance their own or their party's self interest.
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