Sunday, November 2, 2014


An epidemic worse than Ebola has been little known since its inception in 2008 in the United States.

The origin of this deadly disease is the 'Obama Virus'.
Minorities, single women, the poor, the youth and liberals are most susceptible to acquiring this disease.

It wasn't until 2014, when there was a recognition by some of these affected groups that having this 'Obama Virus' was potentially deadly.
These affected groups finally understood that once you acquire the 'Obama Virus', the following symptoms occur- less Freedom, less Liberty, and worst of all, they develop a propensity for lying to cover up their symptoms. In other words, they are in denial.
Many of those in denial are in critical condition and will remain so as long as they believe Government is more important than the individual and that Government is their god.
Other symptoms to recognize before it can be cured are crucial- such as socialism, dishonesty, hypocrisy, division, identity politics and anticonstitutionalism.

The only cure is to use one's brains.
The most effective therapy is to have Common Sense.
Other effective therapies include:
1. Learning the Constitution.
2. Learning the History of the formation of the United States and learning about the Founding Fathers.
3. Truly appreciating the sacrifices made by our Founding fathers and our Military and understanding the need for each new generation to fight for the preservation of our Freedoms and Liberties.
4. Believing in God 's Natural laws and that God's presence has guided this great nation and will continue to do so.
5. Most importantly, Rejecting or Quarantining all those that are carriers of this 'Obama Virus', i.e. Democrats (by never voting for them again).

Only in this way, by eradicating this disease at its roots, is a Healthier America possible.

One last Health warning. 
There is a more deadly virus looming due to infect the United States in 2016.
It is the 'Hillarybola Virus'.

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